About 3.0

Pups in Poland
Pups in Poland

There will be new things here for 2015, namely, the site itself, a new home for Bone of Contention, and a few other items. I have some specific life goals and writing goals for the new year, both of which will get air time here. Topically, I will stick mostly to the items laid out in “What’s the plan, Stan?” – PCT blogging, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Leadership and Emotional Growth, Romance, and Assassination. Not on that list, but slated to appear, a new ongoing series about Rap. This could evolve into a broader exploration of music in general, but I have many things to share on the subject of rap and it is time to let it all out. Brevity will be incorporated. I have yet to decide if this will be a series or simply a few posts, but I will face the challenge of using fewer words to make a point. I am sure that there will be the occasional technology post as well. Anything you guys want to read about, or if you have any questions, just let me know.

Rockwell Family
Rockwell Family


Bone to Pick?

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