There will be new things here for 2015, namely, the site itself, a new home for Bone of Contention, and a few other items. I have some specific life goals and writing goals for the new year, both of which will get air time here. Topically, I will stick mostly to the items laid out in “What’s the plan, Stan?” – PCT blogging, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Leadership and Emotional Growth, Romance, and Assassination. Not on that list, but slated to appear, a new ongoing series about Rap. This could evolve into a broader exploration of music in general, but I have many things to share on the subject of rap and it is time to let it all out. Brevity will be incorporated. I have yet to decide if this will be a series or simply a few posts, but I will face the challenge of using fewer words to make a point. I am sure that there will be the occasional technology post as well. Anything you guys want to read about, or if you have any questions, just let me know.