These are two of my favorite pictures of Guthrey. He had a certain intensity which is reflected well here. He was always focused, always planning something. I still miss him. I still have not gotten another dog.
I was lucky enough to have Lucas who loved Guthrey enough that he came to live with me.
It is an emotional day and time of year for me, rife with unexamined feelings and turbulent change.
– April 7, 2004 – mid day – Dr Bill came over to euthanize Guthrey at home in my bed with me and Jake and Lucas all together. Mom was upstairs but, understandably didn’t want to be down there with us.
– April 7-8, 2004 – middle of the night – Lucas has his first seizure
– April 12, 2004 – I left Lucas with mom and went on a business trip to the Mid East, knowing that success meant moving immediately. Lucas loved Guthrey more than anything else in the world, but he had so much love to share that I didn’t mind being second. We both abandoned him at the same time. Guthrey died, but I made a choice. Why do we always end up exhibiting our worst behaviors towards those in our life who deserve it least? Hopefully it is something nice like – we keep those we love so close that they get hit by all our shrapnel whether it is good or bad.
– May 21, 2004 – First day living as a full-time resident of Doha, Qatar.
– – March 30, 2012 – Jake and I took Lucas to the vet and were loving on him as he was euthanized.